Bacon Jam (or TSA Bacon Jam Carry-On Restrictions)

Hey, it wasn’t my idea… but maybe it coulda been, if I would’ve been a smarter entrepreneur! Anyway, I was just helping my daughter ship some boxes at the UPS Store in Castle Rock, when this couple starts wheeling in stacks of jars.

A crazy wall of horizontally and vertically stacked old books with a rustic blue wood door in the center. The words "Support MindFuel Blog on Patreon are shamelessly plastered over this fine image

This clandestine moment was my introduction to Kay Wolfe, the owner of a small business that manufactures Bacon Jam! And, this interesting concoction has actually made the radar for, who placed an order for 1200 jars. Score one for small biz!

Now you might think Bacon Jam is just some crazy novelty. A passing phase…. but, I have learned through many life lessons: Never underestimate the power of bacon.

In fact, Kay assured me it is quite delicious. She even gave me a jar to try. I took it home, and showed my wife. I thought for sure she would react negatively to such an invention. Nope. She eagerly accepted the jar and read the ingredients, excited to try it out.
Behold, the power of bacon.

Unfortunately for me, I had a plane to catch and the bacon jam was exactly ONE OUNCE over the TSA approved amount for bacon on a plane.  Drat.

Anyway…stay tuned. I should have a critique soon. If you can’t wait, and must try a jar for yourself, Kay informs me that the bacon lovers at ThinkGeek will have the product available starting next week.

In closing, I can only site the all too familiar quote: mmmm… bacon. And check out Kay’s Kitchen for other goodies!

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