
picure of a small bonsai tree with a well definted shape and budding green leaves, surrounded by other small green plants all in separate pots.

“Faith” and “Patience”

Practical Duality I have noticed, if I bring up the notion of “faith,” people tend to give me “that look.” It is a hint of a sheepish smile, an obviously feigned acceptance (even if unwittingly). Most humans extend a certain degree of duality. We pick and choose our conversational battles, and it is not uncommon

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A Personal Take on Religion

It’s hard to know where to begin with this post… but let’s just say I had a conversation with someone I respect, and her views of religion, although kindred to mine, are very different.  So I thought, hey…this is yet another thing I could write about but probably won’t.  Then I thought, no… unlike the

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