
several rows of bright read theater seats

Psyching Up for That Presentation

I was talking to my wife today, and she’s delivering a couple of sessions tomorrow at a forum in Canada. She has reviewed all the documents, developed her presentation, and has all the talking points. How many of us have been there? I asked her how she felt, and it was “excited and intimidated.” That’s

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Courting Fullpack Trickster in the US (Part 2)

Technical support from Trickster didn’t respond.  I guess I am not surprised, but then again, I don’t discourage that easily.  I went out on Google and looked up the President of SG Interactive (Woo Dong Lee), and put together a letter to him.  I basically explained my son’s interest in running a game, my background

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Courting Fullpack Trickster in the US

That’s right, you heard me right. When my son told me Trickster had shut its boxes down in the US, the first thing I did was…. well… feel bad for my son just a tad because I know he loved that game. Then, I realized I would never see Fistmas Present or Experimenty Fresh ever

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