planet earth with a bunch of candles at the north pole and siting, like a cake on a table in a nice flat overlooking the ocean

Happy Earth Day

Of course, everyone knows Earth Day is far more than one day. Like a birthday, it represents a journey around the sun. Unlike a human birthday, we do not know Earth’s exact age, but it is estimated to be about 4.6 billion years. That’s a lot of candles.

A crazy wall of horizontally and vertically stacked old books with a rustic blue wood door in the center. The words "Support MindFuel Blog on Patreon are shamelessly plastered over this fine image

How Did You Celebrate?

There are so many ways to engage. Earth Day is one of those days I used to more-or-less ignore. I did. I am guilty. But I made a choice, in 2024 as part of my New Year’s resolution. I decided, more than ever, this was the year I was going to get into ESG, SDGs, climate, sustainability and basically, “Helping humans save humans from humans.”

I’ve written about this for a while, and this is the year I am going to align my professional passion closer to this agenda. IMHO, there simply is no greater cause.

“The Goings On”

That’s what I call it in my daily personal journal. But, basically, my contribution to Earth Day was igniting my migration into the space. And what better way to do that than attend some events? The irony here is, I didn’t register for any events. They came to me. SOSV contacted me with a line-up of fascinating events. I had to play!

First, there was this great discussion about how to position Climate so that Wall Street would give it the time of day. Tom Steyer and Saloni Multani (both GalvanizeClimate) were there to discuss the agenda and the book. No, that is NOT an affiliate link. Yes, I am going to buy a copy and read it.

The discussion was moderated by SOSV’s Po Bronson, who is a well-accomplished author, and I will be buying and reading his latest book, Decoding the World.

Next, I really enjoyed learning about Form Energy from the CEO, Mateo Jaramillo – they’ve raised $1B over the last 6 years and this dream team of five (count them) co-founders came from Tesla’s battery market to bring innovation to renewable energy: they are rounding out the renewable cost curve using long-storage battery tech. It’s game changing!

And of course, a shout out to SOSV’s moderator for this session, Ben Joffe

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I took pages of notes at both these sessions. This post is just a TLDR, but attending these really made my Earth Day. Hope you had a great Earth Day, too!

Image Credits

Happy Earth Day 2 You © 2024 by MindFuel Blog is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

While some of the images in this post were derived from artificial intelligence, the text of this post was 100% human-generated.

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