March 2012

Bacon Jam (or TSA Bacon Jam Carry-On Restrictions)

Hey, it wasn’t my idea… but maybe it coulda been, if I would’ve been a smarter entrepreneur! Anyway, I was just helping my daughter ship some boxes at the UPS Store in Castle Rock, when this couple starts wheeling in stacks of jars. This clandestine moment was my introduction to Kay Wolfe, the owner of […]

Bacon Jam (or TSA Bacon Jam Carry-On Restrictions) Read More »

Hungry for The Hunger Games?

Not like I spend my life reviewing movies (and yes, this post is about the movie), but when is the last time I wrote a positive movie review? Don’t think I have yet… The Hunger Games has some interesting themes, but to me it’s ultimate claim to fame is just pitting children in a death

Hungry for The Hunger Games? Read More »