Hiding in Plain Site: My Little Pony and a New Theory on the Illuminati

What? It is the attention economy. An economy a truly advanced species should be well beyond, but: “don’t hate the player, hate the game.” Except, we created the game. Ergo, don’t hate the player, hate society? But, isn’t that what have already done as teenagers? Ergo, shouldn’t at least the grown ups exist in a world beyond the attention economy? Yes, they should, and that is what ruling the world is all about. It’s about ending this finger pointing circle of silliness (otherwise referred to as the Triangle of Disempowerment). People are constantly and reactively pointing the finger. They blame their boss, their parents, their life circumstances, the system, and eventually they point the finger at the Illuminati. I used to do that – read some of my older posts. I was a funny chicken, and I still am. Now, I can look at myself and laugh, though, because I AM the Illuminati. So are you. Everyone who can read is the Illuminati.

Picture of dead sea scroll cave with "Support Mindfuel Blog on Patreon" shamelessly promoted on top

But…but… the Illuminati are all the rich people. The globalists. Like Beyonce and Unilever (If you like it then you shoulda took a shower with it)! Ehh. Anyway, sorry to disappoint. There are folks with tons of money . . . yachts that wrap around the planet three times. On the front of the yacht they are screaming into a megaphone about climate action, while on the ass end of the yacht children are getting whipped into submission for not running on the treadmill fast enough. And there are people with lots of power – they whip the people on the yachts for not running on the treadmill fast enough. But just like there is a Triangle of Disempowerment, there are all kinds of triangles. One is the triangle of Wealth, Power and Knowledge. Another is the triangle of Freedom, Government, and Responsibility. There are gazillions of these triangles.

Let’s take a moment and think about triangles. First, there is subscription to or membership within a particular triangle. For example, I am not interested in subscribing to the triangle of disempowerment, because, well, it is dismpowering. Other triangles, I do subscribe to. What does it mean to subscribe to a triangle? Well, it means we identify with it and want to somehow apply it to our lives (more on this in a couple sentences). Once we subscribe, the goal is to have the right mix of the three elements depicted in any one triangle. “Right” is a subjective term. This is not a one-size-fits-all triangle. For example, in the super hokey diagram below, I’ve tried to capture visually a few key things about our triangle friends:

  1. Although completely subjective, the triangle has a fixed total perimeter. In the diagram below, it is 9 units for no particular reason
  2. The triangles rendered below show how the 9 units can be distributed to form triangles which emphasize a particular element
  3. For example, the triangle for Freedom, Government and Responsibility has been weighted toward Freedom and Responsibility in an attempt to minimize the amount of Government needed. Yeah, I chose that example on purpose. It’s my blog, I call dibs.
  4. Lastly, the diagram also shows how the 9 units must be distributed in a way that forms a triangle – if we allocate 9 units to Freedom, 0 to Governance, and 0 to Responsibility, then . . . the 2D plane implodes, and we have chaos. OK, dramatized as an example, but you get the idea. Theoretically, we can’t set a value to 0.

Thanks to the power of my clearly rushed diagram, triangles are a thing. So let’s wind our way back to the Illuminati. The going conspiracy theories are what they are – you can go find them. However, I’m going to posture a #ReverseConspiracy theory about the Illuminati. See, they too know about triangles. One of their most conspicuous and acclaimed symbols is the “all knowing eye” which has a fascinating history (and that link does not do it justice, but it is enough to get started).

From: Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, we see one of the more famous (or infamous) occurrences of this symbol, depicted above. However, thanks to KnowYourMeme.com, we can see this symbol has made its way into My Little Pony. That is power, and will become important later!

Alright, so as the story goes, conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati control the world (And the media, just in case that was not clear). Depending which flavor we go with, they might want to chip all the humans, enslave humans, kill all the humans, and on and on. But I think the message from this symbology is completely different. And I’ve got the wishy-washy logics to back up my claim. Check it out. . .

Let’s go back to the original premise. I said we are all the Illuminati. That is the ReverseConspiracy theory I am dropping on the table. And here is the said wishy washy logics:

  • First, the Illuminati (or globalists, or the world’s most powerful people) were created by two constructs. One is “the wallet.” Whenever the larger population spends money on a national or global brand, or on fandom, we are creating an Illuminati. Those who have read my posts that mention “voting with your wallet” know this is how wealthy Illuminati are created and maintained. The other construct is through sociopolitical backing (aka, power). Anytime a person hearts a post, writes a comment to back or defend a position of a particular person/entity, or otherwise “bends the knee” out of faith or fear, they enable a power Illuminati. But WHO is that wealthy or powerful Illuminati without those people? Without their enabling public, they are nothing. They are nobody.
  • Ergo, the Illuminati are nothing but a manifestation of their public. And who is their public? You! Ergo, you are the Illuminati. And if that is too big a pill to swallow, then just settle for being an enabler of the Illuminati.
  • Next, we look at where the symbol has manifested. The most prominent place is the dollar bill. The basic unit of currency in the United States. This serves as a reminder of how much the globalists need you. Everyone who has a dollar in their pocket, carries that symbol with them as both a reminder of the power their wallet has and a reminder of WHO the true Illuminati is – the person spending the money (or bending the knee) is the one with all the power. It’s all in how you choose to use it.
  • Finally, My Little Pony. See, I told you it would be important later. There, I rest my case!

Welcome to the Illuminati

This is going to feel like a little bit of ping-pong, but I brought triangles into this because of the symbology; however there is a little more fun to be had, because if you do choose to subscribe to the triangle of disempowerment, under this model where you have graduated the program and become an Illuminati, the rich and powerful become the victims and you and I become the aggressors. So I guess AI becomes the hero to round out that twilight trilogy. See, that’s why disempowerment is for ninnies, because it will take 800 trillion dollars in data centers to have justice and then there will be no electricity left for the hot water. We’ll be in the shower, it will go stone cold and we will have to yell, “Hey!! Did one of you globalists summon the AI again?! Cut that out!!”

Oh well, time to move on. No need to blame the Illuminati or stay disempowered. But now what? Well, as it has been said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” (1746, Voltaire and 1962, Uncle Ben). The best way to handle your new found super power is to make the best possible decisions, and that’s what acumen is all about. Acumen is about sound, quick and insightful decisions (2O24, ChatGPT). As an all powerful Illuminati, you must first use acumen to make your decisions, and then you can manifest your new found power in a couple key ways:

  • You can “vote with your wallet” – spending money on products, services and charities aligned with your acumen
  • You can “vote with your influence” – plussing up, commenting and sharing topics and perspectives you believe are valuable

We are going to take a breather though, because 15 minutes ago the Illuminati were the top globalists, and now, they have all been fired. The triangle of disempowerment has been dismantled which breaks the entertainment industry, gaming industry and several constructs within both church and state (despite their separation). The only way globalists can stay employed is if you stay subscribed to the triangle of disempowerment and continue shuffling your cash at them (or votes or likes). That’s a lot to absorb in fifteen minutes, right? Maybe watch some My Little Pony and we’ll come back for more acumen and a tube of Go-Gurt later. No, that is not an affiliate link. Just random Go-Gurt!

The New Illuminati © 2024 by MindFuel Blog is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

While the header image in this post was derived from artificial intelligence, the text of this post was 100% human-generated.

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