It’s been a month, and today I called AT&T tech support to whine for the 6th time. My caller ID reports my name as Carla Wojsha-schmokin-crackin-schnackun-ziplok-packin (actual name has been withheld, and this name represents a slight dramatization).
Well 6 must be the lucky number, as William, the Chief of Support, assured me he went through the same thing a few months ago, only his name was Colette! I told him I liked Colette better. Anyway, he put me in touch with Anthony, the Mad Caller ID Scientist, who wrestled with the systems and got it working. He asked what name I wanted to use. I asked if “Supreme Ruler of the Universe” was allowed. He said it wasn’t, but that he gets a number of similar requests… oh well, at least I am no longer calling home and hearing, “Hey Carla, how’s it going? …”